Dennis Compton, retired fire chief and former International Fire Service Training Association Executive Board chairman, was awarded the 2023 Everett E. Hudiburg Memorial Award, as well as the 2023 John W. Hoglund Award, during the 90th IFSTAⓇ Summer Validation Conference July, 8 2023.
Dr. Daniel Madrzykowski, senior director of research for UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) and IFSTAⓇ Executive Board member, was awarded the 2023 Everett E. Hudiburg Award during the 90th IFSTAⓇ Summer Validation Conference July 8, 2023.
Steve Kerber, UL's Fire Safety Research Institute vice president and executive director, was awarded the 2023 Dr. John Granito Award for Excellence in Fire Leadership and Management Research during the 90th IFSTAⓇ Summer Validation Conference July 8, 2023.