eBook Fire Service Hydraulics & Water Supply, 3rd Edition

eBook Fire Service Hydraulics & Water Supply, 3rd Edition

IFSTA Item #: 
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By Michael Wieder

The ability to identify a sufficient water supply source and use it effectively to control a fire is one of the most basic functions of the fire service. This text includes information on the basics of water and water flow, theoretical and practical methods of determining water flow and pressure loss, types of pumps and fire apparatus used to move water, relay pumping operations, fire pump testing, and effectively supplying sprinkler and standpipe systems.

In addition to new, up-to-date photos and graphics, this 3rd edition discusses recent research on updating friction loss coefficients for modern fire hose. This is also the first edition of this text that includes information and calculations using the Metric System of measurement, where applicable.

While the intent of the text was meant to address the needs of the higher education market, many fire departments have chosen to use the text for their driver/operator training and promotional testing needs. The information in takes the user to a more advanced level of skill and understanding in operating their apparatus than standard driver/operator manuals.

This text was written to meet all of the National Fire Academy’s FESHE model course curriculum objectives for Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply (C0277) course at the Associate’s Degree level. Some requirements from NFPA 1002, Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications (2017 edition) are addressed throughout various portions of the text.

New to this edition is an extensive curriculum package that facilitates the implementation of the text into classroom and course settings. The package is divided by each chapter. The components of each chapter include:

  • A presentation (teaching) outline
  • A PowerPoint presentation
  • Student learning assessments and answers
  • Chapter review question answers Compilations of the equations that are used in each chapter

There are separate units for the chapters that have both U.S. and metric versions. The files are designed so that they may be easily customized to meet local program needs. The package is available on a flash drive or from the IFSTA ResourceOne online service.

NOTE: IFSTA/FPP eBooks are hosted by VitalSource. Upon purchase, you will only be able to access your eBook online for a duration of five years. After this, you will lose access unless you have downloaded your eBook to VitalSource's Bookshelf Application. For best results, download your eBook upon purchase and use the Bookshelf Application. This allows you to install the eBook on up to two computers and two mobile devices at one time for offline access. Your notes and highlights will sync across all your registered devices within your account and eBooks.

  • Publisher: Fire Protection Publications
  • ISBN: 9780879397104
  • Edition: third
  • Year: 2019
  • Pages: 0
  • IFSTA Item Number: 76031

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