Dr. Daniel Madrzykowski Receives 2023 Everett E. Hudiburg Award

Dr. Daniel Madrzykowski, senior director of research for UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) and IFSTA Executive Board member, was awarded the 2023 Everett E. Hudiburg Award during the 90th IFSTA Summer Validation Conference July 8, 2023.

“Madrzykowski is an icon in the American fire service,” said Dr. Bob England, International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management founding editor.

Madrzykowski has more than 35 years of experience working to improve fire safety by conducting research and development in the areas of fire dynamics, fire test methods, fire control, and fire investigation. He has a doctor of philosophy in fire engineering from the University of Canterbury, a master’s in fire protection engineering and a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland.

Madrzykowski has designed, created, and delivered fire dynamics boot camps throughout the U.S.

“Dan epitomizes what it means to get the ‘science to the streets’ to advance the fire service,” said Steve Kerber, vice president and executive director of FSRI.

Going beyond the limits of the laboratory, Madrzykowski has been engaged with fire service organizations to share and teach the results of fire research in a way that can be understood and implemented by fire departments in their training. He has served on IFSTA validation committees for multiple editions of Essentials of Fire Fighting and Fire Investigator, 3rd Edition.

Madrzykowski is a member of the National Fire Protection Association and serves on the committees for Fire Service Training, Structural Fire Fighting, and Fire Investigation. He is a member of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors and was a course developer for Understanding and Fighting Basement Fires. Madrzykowski has collaborated with the National Fire Academy, International Association of Arson Investigators, and International Association of Fire Chiefs in the development of several online training programs.

Madrzykowski is a fellow with the Society of Fire Protection Engineers and was presented with the Harold E. Nelson Service Award in 2017. As a result of his research to increase the effectiveness and safety of firefighters, Madrzykowski has been honored with many awards including: the IFSTA Dr. John Granito Award for Excellence in Fire Leadership and Management Research, the rank of Honorary Battalion Chief with the FDNY, the IAFC President’s Award, the ISFSI Instructor of the Year, and the Citizen Services Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal.

The Everett E. Hudiburg Memorial Award is the highest honor IFSTA may bestow to an individual who has made significant contributions to the training of firefighters.


WRITTEN BY: Sarah Palmer | FPP Marketing Specialist

The International Fire Service Training Association is an organization of fire service personnel who are dedicated to upgrading firefighting techniques and safety through training. Since 1934, IFSTA has been the worldwide leader of the fire service in developing fire and emergency responder training materials. IFSTA produces training manuals, eBooks, curriculum, test prep, workbooks, skill sheets, interactive courses, instructor resources and more. For IFSTA-FPP media inquiries, contact Marketing Coordinator Erin Portman at erinfl@osufpp.org or call 800-654-4055.

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